10 Jul Real Talk | Carbs vs Calories
If it's a gram and it's carbohydrate, it's 3.4 calories. If it's protein, it's 4. If it's a fat, it's 9. Your body does not care where it comes from. That is the only thing it sees....
If it's a gram and it's carbohydrate, it's 3.4 calories. If it's protein, it's 4. If it's a fat, it's 9. Your body does not care where it comes from. That is the only thing it sees....
What you need to know is, what is a calorie. Look it up for yourselves, but I'm going to tell you what it is. It's 15 ounces of water heated up one degree Fahrenheit. ...
There are things we can do to combat the hunger and not really have to worry about the calories. That is a real interesting topic and a lot of people don't quite understand what that means. And what we're talking about here is fiber. Fiber...
And I've had a lot of people say, well, I just can't give up my soda pop because diet tastes awful. Well, trust me, you start drinking diet soda for a few months, you're eventually going to get used to it....
What do primary care doctors say about Phentermine? Oh man, I've heard a lot of it....
You started releasing adrenaline the minute you started running down the road and it just takes about 5-6 miles to run out of your sugar. Now you're going to burn fat the rest of your journey....
It's a really interesting study, and it was done in 1976. And it's in the Guinness Book of World Records. How long can a human body go without eating? ...
The more weight you carry, you have to burn more energy walking through space. And that offsets the further calories you're taking in....
Now, we can argue about the stress and everything, but that has no bearing on the fact calories in, calories burned determines your weight. ...
I certainly will ask from the get go, why is it that you feel you need to lose weight? And everybody will have a different reasoning to be for sure....